
OTP Theme #13 - Eating Ice Cream (Kyo and Tohru)

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Marigold451's avatar

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The day is beautiful:  the cherry blossoms have begun to bloom and the sun is shining brightly without any obstructing clouds in its path.  The fragrance of these blooms is enchanting, and the couple strolling on the walkway beneath the trees will only agree.

The girl, Tohru, quickly lets go of her companion’s hand and runs a few paces in front of him.  She spins in circles, arms outstretched, laughing and breathing in the one-of-a-kind scent of the pink-coloured flowers.

As she does so, the boy, Kyo, slowly lifts his mouth into a smile, always amazed at how she looks at the world so differently than he does, always does things her own way.

Tohru stops spinning and looks back at Kyo.  She catches him looking at her, that slight smile on his face.  She grins and waves to him.

Realizing she saw his smile, Kyo quickly makes it disappear and hurriedly struts to her side.

After he reaches her, Kyo goes for Tohru’s hand and smoothly clasps it between his own.  Running his thumb over her hand, he sighs, content with just being beside her.

But he will never tell her that.

He doesn’t like showing his feelings — they make him feel weak.  But with Tohru, things are different.  He lets some things show, like his smile, but always tries to cover it up.

Not that that has ever worked in his favour...

Pulling Kyo out of his thoughts, Tohru releases his hand and gasps, pointing to an ice cream cart at the edge of the path.

At this, Kyo smiles again, but doesn’t care enough to cover it up.

Tohru again dashes away from him, but he knows she’ll return.  She always does.

He watches as she pays for two cones, one a light green colour, the other a plain white.

When she returns, she hands Kyo the plain white one and keeps the green one for herself.

Curious as to what her flavour is, Kyo makes a quick swipe at her cone, catching some of the creamy dessert in his mouth.  He rolls it in his mouth a moment, then swallows, making a face.  “Ugh!  What is that?”

Though she couldn’t stop herself, Tohru cracks a smile.  “I knew you wouldn’t like it.  That’s why I have this one and you have that one,” she states, licking the green ice cream.

“But what is it?” Kyo questions.  He knows his is just vanilla — his favourite — but hers tasted of something he’d had before.  Something he didn’t like.

Throwing another smile his way, although it's a bit sheepish, Tohru speaks softly:  “Leek.”
I hope you enjoy this one!  I'm off for the day, so I figured I'd post another mini-story.

And this story was inspired by all the snow on the ground and the song Snow in Venice by Elizaveta.

OTP Theme #1 - Holding Hands
OTP Theme #2 -
OTP Theme #3 -
OTP Theme #4 - On a Date
OTP Theme #5 -
OTP Theme #6 -
OTP Theme #7 -
OTP Theme #8 - Shopping
OTP Theme #9 -
OTP Theme #10 -
OTP Theme #11 -
OTP Theme #12 -
OTP Theme #13 - You're here!
OTP Theme #14 -
OTP Theme #15 -
OTP Theme #16 -
OTP Theme #17 - Spooning
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OTP Theme #19 -
OTP Theme #20 - Dancing
OTP Theme #21 -
OTP Theme #22 -
OTP Theme #23 -
OTP Theme #24 -
OTP Theme #25 -
OTP Theme #26 -
OTP Theme #27 -
OTP Theme #28 -
OTP Theme #29 -
OTP Theme #30 -

And the characters Kyo and Tohru belong to Takaya Natsuki.  The plot belongs to Marigold451, as does the story.
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